Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Jars Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I found this book to be very uplifting and inspiring. It's a wonderful read to help anyone get into the Christmas spirit.

A young reporter, Hope, has been given a wonderful gift that has blessed her lives in more ways than she could ever imagine. A jar full of money. Being the reporter that she is, she want's to get to the bottom of the Christmas Jar and write the story of a lifetime.

She come in contact with a family who has started th tradition on the Christmas Jar. She weedle's herself into their lives, portraying herself as a reporter for a local college. But instead of a story, she finds familial love and a family who takes her in as her own.

This is a short book and can be read in a few hours, but you need some tissues. It will pull at the heartstrings, but give you a warm feeling inside.

View all my reviews >>

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